
Kulala featured on Momtastic


We were so pleased to see the Kulala app featured on Momtastic!

Momtastic says:

"This science-based app created by Sofia Axelrod is intuitive and easy to use. Newborns sleep 20 hours per day, adults only 8. What happens in between? Sleep regressions! Babies’ sleep needs continuously decrease, in particular the time babies spend napping. This is super confusing for parents and the main reason why Axelrod says she created the Kulala app. Using sleep science Kulala says they provide the most up-to-date schedule, so changing sleep needs don’t wreak havoc on baby’s sleep. The app offers tailored sleep schedules from 0-6 years and there is a 1-month trial. They also sell a variety of accessories to help baby sleep such as a red light lamp."